Thursday, August 5, 2010


Yes, this Budapest train station is beautiful...on the outside.

This is the courtyard of the building that contained the hostel where I stayed. After I'd spent two nights couchsurfing!!! And survived! Actually, Isabella and I had a great time together.

This was about the only thing in Hungary that looked familiar. This country is where culture shock finally caught up to me. And why not: what North American knows anything about the place? Plus the language isn’t related to any other (except Finnish but only distantly). Hungarian sounds like what you’d get if you picked any five languages and frappĂ©ed them in a blender.

One thing that was not blended was this fish soup at a traditional Hungarian restaurant. It was basically two big hunks of cod in a spicy red broth. After eating this...okay, while eating this...I wasn't very Hungary.

(c'mon, you knew the joke had to be made somewhere!)

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