Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Berlin's more unusual tourist attractions

[DDR=Deutsche Demokratische Republik, the official title of the former country of East Germany]

West jeans: real Levi's. East jeans: really horrible kncok-offs!

Socialist toilet-training: everybody goes at the same time. If not, everybody waits until everybody's finished.

2) The Ampelmann store
Ampelmann = the pedestrian crossing signals of former East Berlin. Now an iconic symbol that's making somebody a lot of money!

 3) the Berlin bears (like the Toronto moose)

4) a big birdcage next to a mall (thank you Dirk for pointing this out)

5) an interesting metal sculpture

[That's Walter, another one of those Italians roaming Europe. Our conversations included a lot of singing, as he is a HUGE fan of glam rock!
Here’s something I like about Italians. It’s the way they respond when you try and speak the language: “Bravo!”
It makes you feel like you’ve done something stupendously grand and worthy of applause... when in fact all you’ve done is managed to say something like “I am not scared of elephants.”]

6) Oranienburgerstrasse Tascheles Artists' Collective/Squat

Can you make out the message?

I felt like I required more tattoos (and by more I mean an increase from zero) or much less hair to be seen here.
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1 comment:

  1. Wow, you got quite unique pics here. Always fun to stop by your blog. What a clever way to learn by travelling. AHAHA and the comment about the guy commenting on your Italian efforts, well, that made me laught...I hope I was as encouraging as him when I've taught Italians to friends in the past.
    Ciao. Bravissima. Tutto cio' che stai facendo mi sembra una maniera meravigliosa per imparare e scoprire le bellezze del mondo e di quanto possiamo fare se solo seguiamo i nostri sogni.
    Davvero dovresti vedere quel film...Eat, Pray and Love...e' solo un film but it makes a good point....we can truly learn by experiencing different people, cultures and places...AND let's not forget how blessed you are to travel this much. Only a few percentage of people in the world can afford to travel and learn the way you are. Trust on the percentage. Just think of developing countries and how life is there.....
