Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Berlin's top tourist attractions

1) Checkpoint Charlie, which, while the Wall stood, was the only border crossing for foreigners into East Berlin

Ultra cheesy!

He, er, it was really hot.

2) The Brandenburg Gate (meant to be a symbol of peace but was incorporated into the Wall)

3) The Bundestag, the German parliament building

4) Berliner Dom

An old, battle-scarred church in the centre of Berlin.
Look closely and you can see patches over bullet holes. (You see this quite a lot in Berlin...)

5) one of the largest Jewish synagogues

6) The Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe

The memorial covers an entire city block. It was quite controversial when it was opened in 2005. It's not very much to look at, but I decided that I like it. To me, the sheer size of it demands your attention and contemplation, and the stark simplicity of it is the artist asking how a tragedy of this extent could ever truly be captured.

7) Schloss Charlottenburg, a palace with a really big public park.

8) Kaiser Wilhelm Gedächtniskirche, partially destroyed during WWII.

inside the addition:

at the entrance of the church you could help yourself to an apple if you made a donation!
I love getting fruit at church.
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  1. I loved Kaiser Wilhelm Gedächtniskirche. Easily my favorite place in Berlin. So glad you went inside.

  2. Did you ask the guy at checkpoint charlie if you could get some lovin'...I men salsa? I know WAY old joke. So about the Jewish synagogue...did you get any history about it during the Nazi occupation?

  3. ha, what a memory you have!

    No, I didn't get much info about the synagogue. I got too much sad history in Hungary.
