Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Nun of it (Nunavut?)

Next up: Ljubljana, Slovenia!

Train ride through Switzerland, Liechtenstein (yeah!) and Austria to Slovenia.

To answer your questions:
1) Slovenia is south of Austria and east of Italy.
2) The “j” is a “y” so it’s 'lyoob-lyana'.
3) Because I stumbled across a “Guide to Slovenia” book at the library (of course), looked at a few pictures, and thought “I’ve got to go there!”

I shared a train compartment with two German-speaking nuns (the hills are alive!) and a group of young, boisterous Swiss guys with a lot of beer and loud music. I wondered, when it comes right down to it, which group I have more in common with...

1 comment:

  1. ummmmm.... is it bad of me to automatically say the nuns?
