Saturday, June 18, 2011

the belated final entry

Going through some old boxes at my parents' house, I found a cross-stitch project I started when I was 16. It was almost completely finished...except for one corner.

I tend to do that with things: work like mad until almost the end, then for some reason lose interest and never quite finish. I'm sure there's an interesting psychological reason.

But I'm determined to finish this blog, even if it is overdue. Two things: one, I know I promised to tell you about Rome. But I've decided to save my tale of adventures in the eternal city (including gelato, a strange Iranian, creepy hostels and a secret bakery) for when you and I next meet in person. I want to leave something for face-to-face conversation, because that is always preferable to online interaction. Now that I'm back it is much more possible.

Second thing: this is not the end of my writing. I am working on a project which I can't say too much about yet (although a few of you know). This is another I will see through to the end! It's something I hope to have published by the end of the year. I will keep you posted!

Thanks for all your support and enthusiasm and wonder. Spending almost a year in Europe was an incredible experience. Living now in Vancouver will be too, I think!

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1 comment:

  1. Well now you've really piqued my interest! I'm looking forward to hearing all about it (especially the creepy hostels) when I'm in BC in a couple weeks for Hayley's wedding. I'll be the one with the well-dressed daughter while I wear a paper bag. (Can't find anything to wear that isn't sleeveless. Argh!!!)
